Procrastinacion, un enemigo silente

By Santo Delgado Furcal
Procrastinacion, un enemigo silente

Aqui de nuevo, no puedo creer que ya pasaron 6 anos desde aquel dia en que mis lagrimas mojaron el papel y el enojo de verme nuevamente vencido por le enemigo de siempre me llevaron a querer acentuar tanto mi promes escritaque termine rompiendo el papel en que escribia mi promesa.. 

Conocia a mi enemigo, podia verlo a los ojos…  se como se llamaba,… lo peor es que no sabia como vencerlo.

Luego de 6 anos de lucha, me doy cuenta que aun no logro bencerlo, aunque tengo que reconocer que he mejorado mucho .. Aun lucho con el lastre de la postergacion.

A veces sencillamente siento tantas ganas de dejar para luego lo que tengo que hacer ahora que no logro entender. Es como si algo me llevara encadenado a dejar para luego eso que cada celula de mi ser saber que deberia estara haciendo ahora. 

It's been six years since that fateful day when my tears stained the paper and my frustration at once again being defeated by my lifelong nemesis led me to emphasize my broken promise so vehemently that I ripped the paper it was written on.

I knew my enemy. I could see it in its eyes. I knew its name. The worst part was that I didn't know how to defeat it.

Six years later, I've come to realize that I still haven't conquered it. However, I must acknowledge that I have made significant progress. I am still battling the burden of procrastination.

There are times when I simply feel an overwhelming urge to postpone what I need to do now. It's as if I can't comprehend why I can't just push it aside and deal with it later.

Take this scenario as an example: you have a work report that needs to be completed and submitted by the end of the week. A deadline that is still a few days away. However, instead of working on the report, you find yourself browsing social media or watching TV. You keep telling yourself that you'll get to it later, yet you can't seem to bring yourself to start working on it.

This is a classic case of procrastination, and it's a battle that many of us fight daily. According to a study conducted by psychologists at the University of Calgary, approximately 95% of students procrastinate to some degree. This is not a unique issue; it is a common struggle.

So, how can we overcome this obstacle? I'm glad you asked.