Oftentimes people over complicate what it takes to be successful.
When you boil it down to the most basic and fundamental level, it comes down to a 6 key things.
➡️ CONSISTENCY....you have to think long-term. Long term meaning in 10 years chunks.
➡️ Doing HARD SHIT regularly....I believe the obstacle is the way. What you are avoiding is the EXACT thing that will accelerate your success.
➡️ NEVER give up....because success takes time, no matter what the "overnight success" idiots on TikTok tell you.
➡️ RESIST the victim culture....no successful person I have ever met let the "whoa is me" thought creep into their head during their journey.
➡️ Be AUTHENTIC....nobody likes a fake
➡️ And last but not least....don't be a JERK
Indeed, success is often oversimplified or romanticized, but the truth is, it's built on a foundation of consistent effort, resilience, and authenticity. Let's delve deeper into these fundamental elements.
Consistency is the cornerstone of success. It's about showing up every day, ready to put in the work, even when the results aren't immediate. When we talk about long-term thinking, we're not just talking about a year or two. We're talking about a decade-long commitment. This is the kind of consistency that builds lasting success. It's about creating a routine, a habit, that you can rely on, no matter what life throws at you.
Doing hard things regularly is another key aspect of success. It's human nature to avoid discomfort and seek out the path of least resistance. But as Ryan Holiday says, "the obstacle is the way." The things you're avoiding, the challenges you're running from, are often the very things that will accelerate your success. By facing these challenges head-on, you grow, you learn, and you become stronger.
Never giving up is a must in the journey to success. Success takes time. It's a marathon, not a sprint. And in a marathon, there are no "overnight successes." There are only those who keep putting one foot in front of the other, no matter how tough it gets. Those who can weather the storm and keep going are the ones who ultimately reach their goals.
Resisting the victim culture is crucial. Successful people don't see themselves as victims of circumstance. They see themselves as creators of their own reality. They take responsibility for their actions and their outcomes. They don't let the "woe is me" thinking creep in, because they know it's a roadblock to success.
Being authentic is about being true to yourself. It's about not pretending to be someone you're not, just to fit in or to please others. People can sense authenticity, and they respond to it. Being authentic builds trust, respect, and strong relationships. And these are the things that success is built on.
Lastly, don't be a jerk. No one likes to be around someone who's arrogant, selfish, or rude. Success isn't just about achieving your goals. It's about how you achieve them. It's about the kind of person you become in the process. So, remember to be kind, be humble, and be respectful to others. These are the qualities that will not only make you successful but also make the journey worthwhile.