"After reviewing over 100 LinkedIn profiles for life insurance recruiters this past week, one mistake stood out again and again...
Too many recruiters rely on company-provided materials for their profiles, especially using the branded banners as their LinkedIn background image.
Here’s why that’s a huge misstep:
When you use your company’s logo or banner as your LinkedIn background, you immediately position yourself as just another representative of that company.
It’s the first thing people see when they visit your profile. So, when you send out a connection request, your prospects will check your profile and see a giant advertisement for your company before they even consider who you are.
This is especially problematic when you’re reaching out to other licensed agents.
If you’re trying to recruit agents from other companies, the only reason they’d ever consider switching to you is because they’re unhappy where they are. But if your profile screams your company’s name right from the start, they’ll be more inclined to research your company rather than engage with you.
And here’s the kicker: when they search for your company online, they’re likely to stumble across negative reviews, complaints, or reasons other agents have left (because that is exactly what they will be looking for). Google always delivers what people are looking for, so if they’re unhappy and searching for confirmation of their doubts, they’ll find it—and that kills your chances before the conversation even starts.
By prominently displaying your company’s branding, you make your intentions glaringly obvious. Other agents know you’re trying to recruit them. Many of them will see you coming from a mile away and shut the door before you even have a chance to make your initial greeting.
And here’s the truth: if they’re in a different company, they’re likely trying to recruit people themselves. They’re not interested in being recruited. On top of that, if they’re not already in life insurance, they probably won’t want to join the industry outright. Most people don’t wake up thinking, “I wish someone would offer me a commission-based sales opportunity in life insurance.”
Your goal as a recruiter is to spark curiosity and open doors, not close them before the conversation even starts.
When you rely on company-provided graphics, you miss the opportunity to build your own personal brand. Life insurance companies provide these materials as a crutch for agents who don’t put in the effort to create their own. They know most agents won’t do the hard work of building a personal brand, so they offer cookie-cutter tools to help agents get by.
But here’s the harsh truth: these materials are designed for the lowest common denominator. They’re there to get the bare minimum out of people who aren’t willing to go the extra mile. If you’re serious about building a thriving team or agency, you need to stand out.
Instead of using company-provided graphics, create custom banners and visuals that reflect your personal brand while speaking directly to the people you want to attract. Your LinkedIn profile isn’t just about showcasing who you are—it’s about resonating with your ideal audience.
Showcase your unique value, experience, and leadership, but frame it in a way that aligns with the aspirations, pain points, and goals of the agents or team members you want to recruit. By focusing on their needs and interests, you position yourself as the solution to their problems, sparking curiosity and ensuring prospects engage with you on a personal level.
By avoiding this common mistake, you’ll dramatically increase your chances of attracting top talent and building a stronger team.