Where the chunks come from

By Bradley C. Turner
Where the chunks come from

Ever have a round going along swimmingly only to have all that good momentum stopped in it's tracks with a chunked shot?

It's a frustrating experience, no doubt. You're playing well, the ball is rolling just right, and then, suddenly, you're faced with an unexpected chunked shot. It feels like all your progress has been undone in an instant.

But don't let this minor setback discourage you. Instead, let's explore the possible reasons behind chunked shots and discuss some strategies to overcome this common golfing challenge. By understanding the root causes and implementing effective solutions, you'll be well on your way to minimizing those frustrating chunks and keeping your round on track.

One of the most common reasons for chunked shots is a poor posture and address position. If your upper body is too close to the ball, or if your weight is distributed incorrectly, it can lead to a shallow angle of attack and ultimately, a chunked shot. To remedy this, focus on setting up with your weight centered over the balls of your feet and maintain a comfortable, athletic posture. This will allow for a more natural, descending blow into the ball, reducing the likelihood of chunks.

Another factor contributing to chunked shots is an overactive lower body during the swing. If your legs and hips move too much or too early, it can disrupt the rhythm and timing of your swing, causing you to hit the ground before the ball. To prevent this, work on maintaining a stable lower body throughout the swing, allowing your upper body to rotate freely while keeping your legs and hips relatively quiet.

Lastly, consider the role of your hands and wrists in the chunked shot equation. If your grip is too strong or if you're using excessive wrist action during the swing, it can result in a premature release of the clubhead, causing it to dig into the turf before reaching the ball. Instead, focus on a light grip and a smooth, fluid wrist motion, ensuring a clean, crisp impact with the ball.

In conclusion, while encountering chunked shots can be disheartening, they don't have to derail your entire round. By addressing the underlying causes – poor posture, overactive lower body, and excessive hand/wrist action – you can substantially reduce the frequency of these mishits. Practice these tips and strategies, and you'll find yourself enjoying more consistent, satisfying shots on the golf course. Happy golfing!