I AM a Teacher [technically speaking...]

By Justine Gonzalez
I AM a Teacher [technically speaking...]


Hello and Welcome to Teach Techies!

Hi there, Teach Techies community! I’m thrilled to welcome you to this space where we’ll grow, learn, and innovate together. My name is Justine Gonzalez, and I've spent much of my career immersed in the world of K12 education. Let me tell you, it's been an adventure full of innovation and resilience. And that’s exactly what I hope to inspire in you—whether you're a seasoned teacher, a rockstar principal, or just starting your journey in education—there’s *always* room to grow.

Innovation: Always Moving Forward

Since I began my career, I’ve always been the one to say, “Why not?” I believe that technology isn’t here to complicate our lives, but to open up new possibilities for us and our students. Whether it’s finding classroom tools that save time or adopting AI-driven strategies for personalized learning, my goal has always been to empower others. And maybe because this is very much who I AM - something different, and new you didn't expect - and perhaps, this makes it intimidating to understand, at first. Perhaps mi being a third culture kid, the very fibers of DNA running through my veins…being una mezclada - a mix of ingredients, cultures, and ideas; an anomaly made up of Amish-Mennonite, Puerto Rican and Chicago roots. [yes, I'm intertwining geography, ethnicity, and religious sects here…because…WHY NOT?  Perhaps, just maybe? This context of mine is what influences my bold and persistent “WHY NOTs” in the worlds I move within. The fuel that drives my devotion to innovation and kaizen {the continuous improvement process} in this life. 

We can’t stay stagnant, and we can’t settle for "this is how it’s always been done." I want us to push ourselves to think beyond, to see how each tool can transform our classrooms and how we can adapt what we have to make something even more incredible. I’ve always been a firm believer in the power of technology to elevate the teaching experience. That’s why Teach Techies is here—to make sure *you* have the tools and strategies to innovate fearlessly.

Resilience: Bouncing Back Stronger

Justine Gonzalez, Author en United States & Puerto Rico
Justine Renee González | Creator of Teach Techies & ProTeachAI educatoraide.com | Love Learning You podcast hostess

But of course, innovation doesn’t come without its challenges, right? The path of a K12 educator isn’t always easy. Changes in curriculum, the demands of administration, the emotional weight of being that pillar for our students—it’s intense work. But guess what? We do it. We find the strength, we adapt, and we rise stronger every time.

Resilience isn’t just about holding on; it’s about learning from every setback and using that to fuel our next step forward. Throughout my career, I’ve had my share of difficult moments - moments filled with terror, distress, and burnout - but I’ve always been clear that every obstacle brings an opportunity to learn, grow, and become better. If there’s one thing I want this community to embrace, it’s the idea that with every challenge comes a new way to innovate.

Teach Techies: A Space for Innovation and Resilience

Here at Teach Techies, we’re building something special. This isn’t just another education blog or online professional community. This is a space for devoted K12 educators, a place where we can come together, share, and grow without barriers. We’re going to learn about data management, explore classroom tools, and even dive into the future with AI professional learning communities. We’re going to uplift each other with ideas, celebrate big and small wins, and be that source of resilience that we all need. 

And this community? It’s all about you. Each one of you has a unique story, a special power that can inspire others. I hope that through this space, you’ll feel empowered to step into your own creativity, that you’ll feel comfortable sharing your ideas and experiences. And above all, I hope you find the courage to keep innovating, to stay resilient, and to lead with a heart full of passion and purpose.

Welcome to the Journey…

So welcome, Teach Techies! I’m so excited to be on this journey with you. Let’s make this a community where every idea is welcome, where learning never ends, and where we can all become leaders in the world of education. Here’s to innovating with passion and perseverance. Here’s to moving forward—together.

Thank you for being here, and I can’t wait to see the amazing things we’ll accomplish together.

Let’s go forward! 💪✨


Justine Gonzalez is an American & Puerto Rican educator and entrepreneur who supports corporations, K12 school districts, and nonprofits through her consulting firm, Educator Aide®. Justine has served as a teacher, instructional coach, and K12 school and district-level administrator, including service in Chicago Public Schools. In 2021 she became the first Latina in the United States to become a certified trainer in the Process Communication Model® (PCM), a psychology framework utilized to train members of teams at NASA, Apple, IKEA, Loreal, and more. In addition, her consultancy practice, Educator Aide, is a Better Business Bureau accredited company. She serves as a founding board member for Midwest Center for Social Services and previously a 2-term board member for EducateME Foundation. She is a writer and speaker while hosting the Love Learning You™ podcast, streaming in 40 countries with Featured Voices monthly guests. 

Stream the Love Learning You podcast and subscribe to the YouTube channel to watch: 
