How to Connect Your Nexus AI Account to SendGrid

By Elisheva Stross
How to Connect Your Nexus AI Account to SendGrid

SendGrid is a powerful cloud-based email service provider designed to help businesses send both transactional and marketing emails with ease. Among its premium features is the Dedicated IP Address, which is crucial for email marketing as it ensures greater control over your email deliverability. By using a Dedicated IP, your emails won’t share an IP address with other users, minimizing the risk of being marked as spam. You can learn more about the benefits of a Dedicated IP and advanced email strategies in our Email Marketing Academy.

When you connect SendGrid to Nexus AI, you’ll be able to send targeted broadcast emails directly through the Nexus AI Easy CRM tool to all or selected contacts and leads captured from your funnels.

How to Connect Your Nexus AI Account to SendGrid

  1. Create a Free SendGrid Account:
    Visit SendGrid to open a free account.
    Note: The free plan does not include a Dedicated IP, but you can always upgrade to their Email API Pro or Marketing Campaign plans if this is a priority for your email marketing needs.


  2. Generate Your API Key:
    • On the left sidebar in your SendGrid dashboard, click SETTINGS.
    • Select API Keys.
    • In the top-right corner, under your profile picture, click the blue button labeled CREATE API KEY.
    • For the API Key Name, type NEXUS AI - EASY CRM to easily identify its purpose.
    • Under API Key Permissions, choose FULL ACCESS.
    • Click CREATE & VIEW.
    • Your API Key will appear as a long string of characters—this is important, so be sure to copy it.


  3. Connect SendGrid to Nexus AI:
    • Log in to Nexus AI.
    • In the top-right corner, click on your profile picture.
    • Navigate to INTEGRATIONS.
    • Click the SENDGRID tab.
    • Paste the API Key you copied from SendGrid into the designated field and click ADD KEY.

And that’s it! You’re all set to start sending broadcast emails through the Nexus AI Easy CRM tool to your contacts and leads with ease.