Premier Home Care for Your Beloved Mum—Reserve Now! 😃

By lee Taylor
Premier Home Care for Your Beloved Mum—Reserve Now! 😃

What Charlie Mullins could teach the Home Care industry



Now I know Mr Mullins is a controversial character and not everyone’s ‘cup of tea’ but having met him recently I couldn’t help thinking how his company culture and vision at Pimlico Plumbers would suit most home care agencies.


For those who don’t know, Charlie Millins left school at 15 with no qualifications or business knowledge and built the UK’s most successful plumbing business. He went from mere apprentice to selling his company for a whopping 150 Million pounds.


Mr Mullins view of business is simple - be the best you can be, employ the right people and move those who are not good for you on quickly. 


He notices things about people and has an ability to understand what works and what doesn’t. Whilst in the plumbing business he listened to his customers and found out - 


His customers complained about plumbers being- 


  1. Untidy and leaving a mess
  2. Not showing up or being late 
  3. Dressed scruffy and dirty
  4. Using bad language
  5. Having dirty vans 
  6. Smelling of alcohol
  7. Smoking on site


Mr Mullins listened to his wealthy Pimlico customers complaining about his competitors and instantly thought ‘I don’t want them saying these things about me’


So Charlie Mullins set out a list of standards he required from his staff. He created a vision of how his plumbers should look and act. He interviewed who he thought would be good for his company and filed the rest away. 


When plumbers ridiculed him for setting standards that were too high, he kept true to what he wanted. He never gave in and waited for the right people to come. 


He made sure his staff wore a uniform that was clean, had high standards of personal hygiene, didn’t smoke on site or drink and always left the clients house tidy. 


Vans were inspected regularly to make sure they were tidy and clean because Mr Mullins wanted to show the Pimlico residence that his business was different. He knew his target market was wealthy and would pay more for a Pimlico Plumber who looked and acted how the client expected them to. 


And apart from a few other marketing ploys Charlie Mullins built a 15 million pound plumbing business by making sure his staff represented his vision for his company to the highest of standards. 



Applying Charlie Mullins' Lessons to Home Care Agency Staffing

Charlie Mullins' approach to business can provide valuable insights for home care agencies seeking to attract the right staff. By focusing on standards, vision, and personal interactions, home care agencies can create a winning team that truly represents their mission.

1. Establish Clear Standards

Like Mullins, home care agencies should define clear expectations for their staff. This includes personal hygiene, uniform appearance, and professional conduct. By outlining these standards, agencies demonstrate their commitment to quality care and build trust with clients.

2. Create a Strong Company Vision

A compelling vision is crucial for inspiring both employees and clients. Home care agencies must convey their commitment to client satisfaction, safety, and dignity. Share your vision during the hiring process, emphasizing its importance to potential hires and reinforcing it throughout their tenure.

3. Attract the Right Candidates: Interviewing and Onboarding

During the hiring process, focus on identifying candidates who align with your agency's values and vision. Mullins was known for being selective in his hiring practices, and home care agencies should take a similar approach. Utilize behavioral interview questions to uncover candidates' values and motivations, ensuring that they are compatible with your agency's mission.

4. Maintain High Expectations for Professionalism

Emphasize the importance of professional conduct, from punctuality to communication skills, during onboarding and ongoing training. Home care agencies should provide resources and support to help employees meet these expectations, while holding them accountable for their actions.

5. Reinforce the Importance of Client Satisfaction

Mullins built his business by focusing on client satisfaction. Home care agencies must adopt a similar mindset, encouraging staff to go above and beyond for clients. Regularly gather feedback, implement improvements, and celebrate success stories to foster a culture of dedication to clients' well-being.

6. Invest in Marketing and Branding

As Mullins demonstrated through his clean, identifiable vans, marketing is crucial for attractive top-notch employees. Home care agencies can invest in branding that emphasizes professionalism and commitment to quality care. This strategy helps potential employees see the agency as an attractive place to work, ultimately leading to a stronger, more cohesive team.