حلم يراودني منذ سنين عديدة أن أوظف خبرتي الأكاديمية والمهنية والتربوية في مشروع خاص لتأهيل الخريجين من جميع الجامعات والكليات العراقية ومساعدتهم في الحصول على وظيفة مناسبة تضعهم على طريق بناء مستقبلهم وتحقيق أهدافهم في الحياة وفي خدمة المجتمع بعد أن تعايشت مع حالة المعاناة والإحباط الذي يعيشها الخريجون في البحث عن عمل يحفظ لهم كرامتهم ويصنع مكانتهم بين أقرانهم في المجتمع.
إن سبب الفشل الذي يواجهه الخريجين في الحصول على وظيفة مناسبة هو:
1. نقص في المهارات التخصصية بسبب عدم مواكبة المناهج الجامعية للتغييرات الكبيرة التي حصلت في أدوات العمل وهيمنة تكنولوجيا المعلومات على تشغيل سوق العمل الجديد.
2. نقص في المهارات الشخصية والمهنية بسبب عدم تضمينها في المناهج الجامعية لترسيخ قيم العمل وقواعد السلوك الوظيفي.
ولا عجب فلقد تأكد لدينا بأن معظم أرباب العمل في الشركات الكبيرة يولون أهمية كبيرة للمهارات الشخصية كونها هي الأساس الذي يمكن البناء عليه في تطوير المهارات التخصصية للموظفين بواسطة التدريب.
ولهذه الأسباب فقد تصدت دائرة الدراساات والتخطيط والمتابعة في وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي لهذه الظاهرة وتبنت في عام 2017 مشروع تأهيل الخريجين في الجامعات العراقية الحكومية وتم لهذا الغرض تشكيل مراكز تأهيل في الجامعات الحكومية بالتعاون مع منظمة آيريكس الدولية سميت بمراكز التأهيل والتوظيف والمتابعة.
في العام 2018 تم ترشيح كلية الرافدين الجامعة كأول مؤسسة جامعية أهلية للإلتحاق بالجامعات الحكومية وتشكيل وحدة الرافدين للتأهيل والتوظيف والمتابعة وتكليفي كعضو هيئة تدريس من قسم هندسة الحاسوب بإدارة هذه الوحدة. تقاعدت عن العمل الجامعي لأتفرغ لبناء منصة تأهيل مهني بعنوان:
The dream that has haunted me for many years is to utilize my academic, professional, and educational expertise in a personal project focused on the training and empowerment of Iraqi university graduates. I aim to help them obtain suitable employment that preserves their dignity, establishes their place in society, and sets them on the path to achieving their life goals and contributing to the community, having experienced the suffering and despair that job-seeking graduates face in preserving their self-respect and securing their position among their peers in the community.
The reason for the failure that graduates face in obtaining suitable employment is:
1. A lack of specialized skills due to the outdated curricula failing to keep up with drastic changes in the tools of work and the dominance of information technology in shaping the new job market.
2. A lack of soft and professional skills due to the omission of these skills from academic curricula, neglecting to instill work values and professional behavior.
This is unsurprising, as the majority of employers in large corporations highly value these soft skills, considering them the foundation on which they can build and develop their employees' specialized skills through training.
In response to this phenomenon, the Studies, Planning, and Follow-up Department at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research launched a project in 2017 aimed at training university graduates in Iraqi government universities, resulting in the establishment of Training and Employment Centers in government universities through a partnership with the global organization, "Eriksson," named the Training, Employment, and Follow-up Centers.
In 2018, the Rafidain College at the University was selected as the first private academic institution to join government universities and establish the Rafidain Unit for Training, Employment, and Follow-up, with me appointed as a faculty member. I have since retired from my academic position to dedicate myself to building a professional skills platform under the name:
Now, allow me to share some valuable insights, unique perspectives, and practical advice on cultivating the essential soft skills that can significantly improve the chances of success for these graduates in the ever-evolving job market. In today's workplace, employers seek to hire well-rounded individuals who possess not only technical expertise relevant to their field of study but also strong interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. It has been reported that 93% of employers believe that communication skills are at least as important as technical skills; 88% consider teamwork crucial, and 87% value critical thinking and problem-solving skills (Muse, 2018). This highlights the importance of addressing the lack of soft skills among Iraqi university graduates. To tackle this issue, it is vital for educational institutions and future professionals to focus on developing the following key soft skills:
1. Communication: Effective listening and speaking, mastering non-verbal cues, and adeptly employing written communication are crucial in the modern work environment. Graduates must learn to craft persuasive narratives and articulate their thoughts lucidly, as they help them convey ideas and build rapport with their colleagues and superiors. A person with strong communication skills can excel in customer service, public speaking, conflict resolution, negotiation, and team management.
2. Teamwork and Collaboration: Collaborating effectively with colleagues and internal and external stakeholders is imperative in today's workplaces. Graduates should embrace the values of empathy and open-mindedness while working alongside peers from diverse ethnocultural backgrounds and skillsets. Those with strong teamwork skills are adept at resolving conflict, assisting others, delegating tasks, and ensuring team goals are met.
3. Creativity and Innovation: The rapidly changing nature of jobs necessitates the ability to generate new ideas, think outside the box, and adapt to evolving circumstances. Graduates must be encouraged to hone their analytical, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities along with practicing creative skills such as brainstorming and improvisation. Creative innovators can make significant contributions in research and development, product management, and organizational growth.
Addressing the gap between the required soft skills of the current job market and the current offerings of Iraqi universities' curricula can enable graduates to excel in their careers and find their rightful place in the community. I wholeheartedly invite students, educators, policymakers, and industry stakeholders to engage with our platform, promoting the acquisition and mastery of these valuable soft skills.
To embark on your journey towards acquiring these crucial skills, explore our carefully designed services and resources. Together, we can empower the next generation of Iraq's professionals, ensuring they are well-equipped to make a meaningful impact on their communities and the world beyond.
References: Muse, K. (2018, March 27). 6 Soft Skills Every Employer Values – and How to Gain and Improve Them. Indeed, Career Guide.